Saturday, July 18, 2009


Okay so this has gotten totally out of hand. I realize that and so I'm gonna stand up, like a man, and pass the blame to someone else. Or someones else as the case may be. The powers that be, you see, like to control the flow of information so that those unflattering things might be swept under the carpet (as much as possible.) Well it seems several unflattering things have been happening lately so you-know-who has really tightened the screws and battened down the hatches. And in this age of world wide interwebs any Tom, Dick or Harry can be an investigative and/or whistle blowing reporter so just about every outlet available to the people at large has been closed off.

So here are some pictures of myself and a friend at Guiyuan Temple. Its a Buddhist temple here in Hanyang. If I remember correctly my words are in brackets and Jessica's are in parentheses. Or maybe its the other was around, I can't remember. Enjoy. (and hold a good thought for unblocking some internets.)