Sunday, June 14, 2009

When the Music's Over

Hola amigos. I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things got crazy if you know what I mean. Let’s just see, when were we last together? I believe I was writing finals. I can’t find out for sure because….well that’s a whole ‘nother thing. So, I was writing finals, an arduous task in the least, unnecessarily made a tremendous pain in the donkey by the folks upstairs. I remember my professors complaining about administration. Saying their job was to convince others (and themselves) that they were necessary. I’ll let you know when I find evidence to the contrary. And in addition to writing finals I was trying to cram four weeks of material into two weeks of classes. It seems, you see, I can’t read a calendar. As I was mapping out the agenda for my classes I counted two of the finals weeks as class weeks so needless to say, though I will, we were terribly behind. In addition to that we were trying to put together an English show, some variety of performance put on by the English department featuring teachers and students alike. (And performed all in English of course.) Also around this time our internet went out, and when it came back I was (and am still) unable to access my blog. And I was sick. (Shameless fishing for sympathy.) So, I apologize for the delay, but I am now back. And will try my darndest to stay back. Connected via intermediaries. As some of you may notice there is no musical accompaniment for this post. I thought it best to remain silent for now in observance of my disconnectedness. Regularly scheduled programming will resume next time. A teaser for upcoming episodes: our English show, Guiyuan Temple, exploring Wuhan, and more. So stay tuned. Oh, one more thing, there is a (hilarious) allusion embedded within this post. If you can identify it you could win a prize! Please send all submissions (with proof of purchase) to Tob e eligible, entries must be completed and received on or by the closing date of the draw. Restrictions may apply. Void where prohibited.

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