Thursday, February 26, 2009


I've been hounded. "Where are the pictures? I wanna see pictures. Take some pictures. Pictures." It seems no one appreciates me for my words. Well fine. So here's a quick look at my situation in Wuhan.

Jiang Han Da Xue. From the front gate.

This is my building. I'm on the sixth floor.

The living room.

From another angle.

The kitchen.

And again.

The Gentlemen's Room/Shower.



Reverse angle.

And lastly,

Between classes.


  1. loved the pics, but keep the words coming!

  2. I as well was glad to see the way you are living and it calms the spirit of those who are conserned. I as well love the word smithing that you do and miss you. I am not sure which area is the coldest where you are or here. I am off to mow the lawn another reason that I miss you.

  3. Aww. Love the pics! I wanna come c u so bad.

  4. What nice digs! I know a gal who spent two years in the Peace Corps in the Crimiea area of the Ukraine....she would be jealous of your swift bachelor pad!

  5. that rug... it really ties the room together.
